Starbucks Holiday Cups

The 2015 Starbucks holiday cup design controversy is a perfect example of why humanity is doomed.  If our collective peaceful existence on this planet is conditional on a corporation placing messages on it’s products that satisfy the specific religious dogma of a *single* group, we are screwed.

If they put Happy Holidays on the cup, people would scream.  If they put Merry Christmas & Happy Hannukah & Happy Kwanza, people would scream.  Starbucks did the right thing here by actually not doing anything.  But, are we so completely far gone as a society that we demand public companies not only support, but visually show they believe the same things you?  What the fuck?!

Remember, Starbucks owes you nothing…unless you walk in and buy something; in which case, they owe you exactly what you purchased, and nothing more.  Service with a smile and a welcoming atmosphere is simply a bonus and something they do to increase return visits and pad their bottom line.  You are not “Joe” to Starbucks as a company.  Do you think they hand out free shit to gold loyalty members because they like you?  Hell no…add up the 30 purchases you made to maintain your gold level, and see how much that “free” item actually cost you.  You are a statistical dollar amount to the company…that’s it.

Now, here’s the best part.  You are perfectly free to NOT purchase their product if you dislike the company or their method of conducting business.  In fact, that’s what you should do.  Quietly take your self somewhere else that puts bible verses on their cups and start buying coffee from them and enjoy your sanctimonious narrow view of a life.  But, when you start screaming that Starbucks hates Jesus, the ONLY thing you do is give Starbucks free publicity and more business and make yourself sound like a raging lunatic asshole.  Making the person behind the counter write Merry Christmas (as your name) on the cup is just a childish, self-serving act of ego.

Get a life.  And, while your at it, learn about coffee and stop drinking Starbucks product because it’s crap.

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